Sexual Risk Avoidance Education

    Sex can be a life-changing, life-altering, life-producing, or life-ending decision. According to the CDC, that makes it a teen risk behavior (along with drinking, smoking, violence, etc.). We believe this creates an opportunity to educate teens about sex, its risks, and its consequences; and to also educate them about what healthy relationships look like, the benefits of healthy relationships, and how they can build them in their lives.


    Positive character qualities are not typically inherent at birth. They often are born out of adversity and hardship. Character education gives a platform to teach these qualities as an optimal choice for internal and external behaviors to best care for ourselves and those around us.



    Men teaching boys to be men. This monthly gathering allows men to pour into the life of boys through life skills, character education, and mentoring. And what better setting than the iconic cultural hub…the barbershop.


    After giving students the skills for healthy relationships in Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (in the classroom setting), students often want to continue the conversation. Lunch groups allow them to build connection as they dive deeper into the Sexual Risk Avoidance Education curriculum and apply it to their current life situations.



    This quarterly event allows parents who may need a little help to get a haircut for their child. They even leave with a meal in their tummy and a gift in their hand.


    During the month of August, families can leave the shop with school supplies for their children as they prepare to meet needs to go back to school.


    This sponsorship is simple. Needs are expressed on our shop Christmas tree, and needs are met through that same tree.


    Advisory Summit

    Let’s gather to reach across all lines to explore the needs of our community and how we can connect to meet those needs.

    (Bi-annual event for Advisory Council, Parents, Students, Board, Team)

    Leadership Team

    From the SRAE classroom and into the mentoring lunch…we can now identify leaders from each school to come together monthly and form a team to reach back (serving in elementary and middle schools) and reach ahead (participating in our Advisory Summit and attending events to influence lawmakers on their behalf).

    (Monthly meetings, Advisory Summit, C2E State Leadership Team, Day on the Hill)

    Parent Summit

    We can’t help kids without helping their parents and supporting their home environment. The Parent Summit will allow parents to come and be equipped, encouraged, and edified as they carry out this daunting role.

    (Bi-annual event for parents)