“Let tomorrow thank you for today’s decisions.

Plug in.”

The world can give you 100 reasons to give up hope. We can give you 101 reasons not to. Find a place to plug in and to connect with positive people because your tomorrow can always look better than your today.




Knowledge is power! Sometimes making the best choice is about knowing what all the options are. When we are connected with the right information, we can make the best decisions for the best outcomes for our lives.


Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory shows us that growth and development happens in a unique relationship. In the “Zone of Proximal Development”, one can move from what they cannot do alone, to what they can do assisted, to what they can do on their own. That person who comes along side them is referred to as a “More Knowledgeable Other” (or an MKO). When a positive adult walks alongside a child to move them towards healthy independence, that MKO connection is invaluable in that child’s life.


What do you need to get where you’re going? This connection focuses on goods and services that are needed to move forward. You need school supplies to do well in school. You need to look good to feel good to do well…sometimes that means a fresh cut. As a parent, you sometimes just need a little help meeting needs.


Who can you reach? What can you do? This connection intentionally reaches across generational boundaries (both ways) to find solutions for our greatest social ills. We must provide opportunities to hear each other and to help each other.